The riding school offers quality tuition to riders of all levels, from beginner to novice and advanced, with training and preparation towards dressage and jumping competitions.
Lessons will normally be conducted inside a riding arena with groups of riders of similar capabilities. One may choose to ride with a group or book a private lesson with one’s own horse or a ‘Club’ horse. If a rider wishes to book a ‘Ride Out, this will still be considered a group lesson and will be under the supervision of a riding instructor or a groom.
On first joining the Club, your riding level will be assessed to determine the group you would gain most progress with. Bookings should be made to suit both the Club and the Member(s).
Opening Times/Days
The Club is open Tuesday to Friday 07:15 to 10:15 and 14:30 to 16: 30, Sunday from 07:30 to 10:30 and from 14:30 to 16:30. Monday is the horses ‘rest day’. There is an evening class on Wednesdays at 7.30 pm.
To afford young riders the opportunity to become familiar with horses from an early age, ‘pony rides’ on a lead rein are available for 20 - 300 minutes around the Club grounds.
Articles of value should not be carried or worn. For safety no large belt buckles, rings, chains or any items with sharp edges should be worn.
Accounts/ Billing
Accounts must be settled within 14 days of receipt, and your account should have a minimum balance of Rp. 1,000,000.
Age Restriction
The suggested minimum age to begin riding lessons is six (6). This is subject to further assessment by the Equestrian Manager.
Allocation of Horse
The Club will allocate riders with a horse for each lesson. ‘Swapping’ is not permitted unless authorized by the instructor.
As assessment lesson is conducted inside the arena, under the supervision of a Staff instructor. The Club reserves the right to conduct an assessment as it sees fit.
Cancellation of Lessons
1. No charge for a lesson cancellation made more than 24 hours in advance of a booked lesson.
2. A full lesson fee will be charged for failure to cancel a lesson.
For a cancellation made less than 24 hours in advance of a booked lesson, a charge of 50% will be 1. levied, including moving a lesson, even on the same day. 2. Those absent without notice for a period of more than 2 weeks will be removed from the lesson book.
3. Riders or, in the case of small children, their parents, must initial the register in the Club Reception Office to avoid disputed re-billing.
Casual Bookings
Casual bookings should be made at least 24 hours in advance to enable the instructors to adjust their schedule. The instructor will generally decide on a horse for each rider as he/she is aware of each horse’s capabilities and also of the rider’s abilities and needs.
Slim-fitting jeans are acceptable but jodhpurs (for use with jodhpur boots) will add to comfort and safety. Loose fitting trousers will lead to sore legs and poor grip. Loose-fitting tops or shirts should be tucked inside the waistband of jodhpurs.
Club Members and their Guests
Members must register their guests at the Reception Office/Pendopo. Guests of Members may ride and use the Club facilities a maximum of five (5) times/year. Charges for lessons or hire of horses will be added to the personal account of the Club Member. Should your guest wish to continue riding, they will need to take out Temporary Membership (see rates sheet) or apply for Full Membership. New Members need to produce a receipt for either Temporary or Full Membership before lessons may be booked
If a member is interested in competing in either jumping or dressage competitions, the opportunity and horses are available. Regular small fun competitions will be organized at the Club for all Members to enjoy. This will give those serious riders the opportunity to learn the basic requirements for affiliated competition.
Feeding Horses
Please restrict horse ‘treats’ to the period immediately after your lesson. Children especially, should not go to the stable areas unattended and need to be under parental supervision at all times while at the Club. Carrots can be purchased from the Pendopo/Café.
Leather shoes with laces are acceptable, but correct footwear such as jodhpur boots, long boots or rubber long boots specially manufactured for riding are safer and add to comfort. Sandals, gym shoes or high-heeled fashion shoes are not permitted.
Hard Hats
Everyone is required to wear appropriate headgear for safety purposes. It is strongly recommended that prospective riders purchase their own helmets. A small number of helmets are available for loan at the club.
Anyone under the age of 16 may not ride outside the Club premises unless accompanied by an adult rider. Anyone hiring a club horse may not gallop or jump unless under instruction. If the hired mount is lame or cannot be ridden, a replacement will be provided, if available.
Indemnity Forms
A form of indemnity must be signed by all persons or by parent /guardian on behalf of minors wishing to ride at the Club. This rule also applies to guests of members and visitors.
All Members ride at the Club at their own risk. The Club recommends all members to have their own medical insurance cover. All members are responsible for their own belongings.
Late Arrivals
It will be presumed that Members not present at the time reserved for their lesson, will not be coming and the horse/pony may be allocated to another rider.
Lesson Bookings
Lessons should be booked in advanced and should, where possible, be made for a regular day and time each week. Please state the type of lesson you would like and which instructor you wish to have the lesson with. Every effort will be made to accommodate your preferences.
There are two principal types of Club membership, Full and Temporary. Full Membership entitles one to take lessons, stable a horse at the Club, use of all Club facilities and to have voting rights on Club matters at Members meetings. Temporary Members may take lessons and use the facilities for a 3 month period, after which it is hoped they would take out Full membership. There are single and family memberships available within the Full membership category.
Own Horses
Members wishing to ride their own horse in, or near an arena where a lesson is in progress must first check with the instructor to ensure that full consideration has been given to those riders under instruction. When using the jumps, please replace them as you found them.
All ride outs will be conducted under the supervision of the Equestrian Manager, who in turn may nominate a groom to supervise (if necessary).
Riders’ Progress
A rider’s progress will be assessed by the Equestrian Manager or one of the other instructors approximately 3-4 times a year. This will take the form of a riding report, giving the rider a grade, comments and tips for improvement.
Check saddle and girth before mounting. Mount and dismount in an enclosed area. After dismounting, run stirrup irons up the leathers and do not let go of the reins until the groom takes your horse. When passing other riders in the ring, riders should note that the international standard passing left to left is followed at JPEC Sentul.
Neither horse nor rider should be distracted during a lesson. In the event of a fall, the instructor will be responsible for deciding upon the action to be taken.
Social Activities
JPEC is primarily a family club with regular social events – shows, quiz nights and birthday parties which centre on around the Pendopo or café which serves food and beverages from 9.00 am until 5.00 pm daily.
Stabling Bill
See J.P.E.C Sentul Stabling Agreement.
Suggestions Book
If any members wish to make a suggestion or lodge complaint on any matter(s) concerning the running of the Club, there is a Suggestions Book at the Reception Office.
It takes much practice and dedication to excel in any sport and riding is no exception but it is an extremely rewarding sport as throughout, you’re concerned not only with your own balance, fitness and ability but also that of your partner - the horse.
Happy Riding !!
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